State of the Snowpack Update Feb 1 2022

Date: Feb 1, 2022
Location: Five Mile Basin

PRAISE ULLR FOR THE RESET! Whitewater Ski Resort has reported 24 cm in 28 hours, some places North of Kootenay Lake received up to 40 cm!! The wind came in strong Monday afternoon creating some wind slab and wind-scoured areas. Our main concern in the snowpack is surface hoar and where it is sitting on the melt-freeze crust.

Avalanche Canada has forecasted (Wednesday, Feb 2, 2022):
Alpine - Considerable
Treeline - Moderate
Below Treeline - Low

-Expect fresh wind slabs to form as westerly winds strengthen, navigate carefully around wind-loaded terrain features and ridgelines.
-Approach sheltered slopes at treeline and below carefully, buried surface hoar may produce larger avalanches than you expect.

Travel and Terrain Advice:
- Watch for newly formed and reactive wind slabs as you transition into wind affected terrain.
- Wind slabs may be poorly bonded to the underlying crust.
- Continue to make conservative terrain choices while the storm snow settles and stabilizes.
- Approach steep open slopes at and below treeline cautiously, buried surface hoar may exist.


State Of The Snowpack Update Nov 22 2022