We are Community Conversations Saving Lives In The Backcountry

Sponsorship Packages


Premier Sponsor


  • Become the premier sponsor of your State of the Snowpack Chapter (Nelson, Rossland, Revelstoke or grant us the funding to start another chapter in your Canadian mountain town!)

  • Your Logo or Banner displayed at all Live events (per town basis, unless opting for sponsorship of ALL State of the Snowpack chapters)

  • Brand Name mention at the beginning of all our Live Events (per town basis, unless opting for sponsorship of ALL State of the Snowpack chapters)

  • 3 Sponsored Posts on our Socials per Ski Season (IG/FB/Youtube)

  • Your Logo on our Website

  • Live link to your Brand on our Website 

  • Opportunities for gear demos/giveaways and other collaborations at our Live events 

  • Amazing exposure showcasing your commitment as a brand to greater public safety & public access to free snowpack information and education in the backcountry communities of Canada



  • Your Logo on our Website, displayed directly below our Stellar Sponsors

  • Your Logo displayed at all Live Events

  • 1 Sponsored Post on our Instagram per Ski Season 

  • Opportunities for gear demos/giveaways and other collaborations at our Live events 



  • Your Logo on our Website, displayed below our Stellar & Alpine Sponsors

  • Your Logo displayed at all Live Events

  • Opportunities for gear demos/giveaways and other collaborations at our Live events 



  • Your Logo on our Website, displayed below our Stellar, Alpine & Treeline Sponsors

  • Acknowledgement of your sponsorship in our Introduction at all live events for your chapter 

  • Opportunities for gear demos/giveaways and other collaborations at our Live events 

Your sponsorship can support our growth and expansion, and keep the backcountry safer for all.

The State of the Snowpack is a BC Public Safety Society passionate about empowering backcountry recreationists with local-as-it-gets snowpack information on a community-by-community basis so that we can all return home safely from the backcountry every day! 

The State of the Snowpack assembles teams of avalanche professionals across mountain towns of the Canadian West and places them in front of their backcountry communities with a focus on sharing free, local-as-it-gets snowpack information & analysis from popular backcountry areas in each town. 

Our mission is to decrease backcountry avalanche incidents, casualties, and rescues through the sharing of detailed community-specific snowpack analysis, as told by avalanche professionals, with a minimum standard of professional qualifications, to their own communities. 

When it comes to snowpack Avalanche Canada provides the bigger picture while we provide the local one. State of the Snowpack serves as another decision-making tool in the toolbelt for backcountry recreationists. With our live events that provide in-depth snowpack updates and discussions, combined with our regular snowpack updates from the field, recreationists can get local, timely, and relevant information to plan their backcountry adventures.

We are local-as-it-gets snowpack information with a focus on energetic, empowered advocacy and sharing of this information FREE to the public. We believe access to information should never be a barrier to safety. 

We create access to avalanche professionals and break down barriers to information and understanding in the backcountry snowpack space. We put local faces to the snowpack. We are community conversions saving lives in the backcountry.


  • Funds the cost of presenters and speakers at our Live Events

    Funds local teams of avalanche professionals in each SOTS mountain town to create weekly video updates on local snowpack conditions

    Funds all back end & administrative costs of running SOTS

    Funds filmers & camera gear to record, live stream and edit live events to be uploaded to our socials for backcountry recreationalists who can not attend in person

    Funds the public education on snowpack & backcountry topics key to survival

    Funds SOTS core team to do their work

    Funds the expansion of State of the Snowpack into more mountain communities - the more funding we have, the more mountain towns of Canada we can serve/afford to establish teams within

    Helps us create a centralized place (SOTS website) for all local snowpack information across many mountain communities in the Canadian West

    Funding encourages more avalanche professionals to become engaged within their own communities on a long-term basis

  • Showcase your brand at our Live Events each month

    Sponsor Social Posts (IG/FB/YouTube) on a singular or regular basis

    Create collaborative sponsored events or campaigns with State of the Snowpack

  • Engage with & support backcountry recreationalists in your town or across the Canadian West

    Put your money where your brand’s mouth is - supporting State of the Snowpack showcases your brand’s commitment to keeping the backcountry safer for all through the free education & empowerment of recreationalists

    Endorses continued education of recreationalists by connecting them with local avalanche educators & courses/programs available locally

    There are endless opportunities for our Sponsors to collaborate with SOTS and showcase their brand’s support of a safe backcountry with us - reach out with what feels most aligned for your brand!

  • SOTS IG has reached 8,531,011 accounts since it’s inception in 2019

    IG Average # accounts reached (leaving OUT most viral reels): 2,933

    IG Average # accounts reached (leaving IN most viral reels): 287,203

    SOTS IG has 16,621 shares to date

    Nelson Live Events average 250+ attendees/ event (Several capacity reached events @ 400 attendees)

    SOTS Nelson FB Page & Public Group have a combined reach of 1,372 users

    Creation of a new SOTS website has meant we currently do not have great analytics on our website (to come after season 2023/2024)

    With our expansion into Rossland & Revelstoke in 2023, and our envisioned expansion in the future, we anticipate quite a substantial social reach & impact

  • 4 Live events per town per season (December - March)

    1-2 short form video snowpack updates(3-4 minutes max) per week per town per backcountry zone (ie. In Nelson, we seek to post 1 video snowpack update each week for each of our two main backcountry zones, Kootenay Pass & the Whitewater backcountry, for a total of 2 videos per week)

    Additional posts on backcountry topics relevant to safety in the backcountry also posted to our social channels regularly

  • 100% YES!

    Donations can be made directly to our bank account using an e-transfer to thestateofthesnowpack@gmail.com

    If you’re a Local Shop or business in a SOTS mountain town, we accept donations of items or services that we use as raffle items at our events!

    And if you love cool Merchandise, grab a Beanie or Touring Cap at one of our Live Events!