Avalanche Conditions Report #2 - Dec 21, 2023

Welcome to Episode 2 of the 23/24 Avalanche Conditions Report with Jason Wishlow, brought to you by Whitewater Ski Resort, Backcountry Skiing Canada, and State of the Snowpack!

Mild temperatures the past few days have created moist snow all the way up to treeline elevations, with it also suspected in the alpine. This has frozen into a melt freeze crust above 1800m, with the snow below this elevation remaining soft as it has not had a refreeze for 2 nights. The snowpack structure consists of moist snow, crusts, and a couple of surface hoar layers that are not found in all locations. These layers are producing variable results with little slab density found regardless of elevation. 

Early season hazards persist everywhere, but especially below 1700m. That said, we are still hopeful for a turnaround with the potential for the Whitewater area to receive up to 20cm of fresh snow with freezing levels below 1400m by Sunday. Stay tuned for Episode 3 and be sure to always check Avalanche Canada before heading into the backcountry!


Avalanche Conditions Report #3 - Dec 28 2023


Dec 11, 2023 - Snowpack Update Evening Ridge, WH20 Backcountry